Many of us have seen the news of homeowners on the North Shore whose homes are being claimed by the ocean and the rise in sea level. While some areas of the North Shore are being affected now, it's important for all homeowners to take into consideration the effects of sea level rise when buying or owning real estate. It's also important to know that sea level rise is different from homes in a special flood hazard area.
Effective May 1, 2022, a new law goes into effect that requires that residential real estate transactions within the State of Hawaii must disclose any risk of sea level rise to the property.

The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System has created modeling that shows sea level exposure areas in Hawaii. Their modeling shows affected areas and neighborhoods by year 2100, a sea level rise anticipated to be 3.2ft.
To find out if your home or prospective home falls within a Sea Level Rise Exposure Area, go to:
Their maps also include data for areas of passive flooding, annual high wave flooding, coastal erosion, and economic impact. For more information, go to:
Questions? For more info, call Shaila at 808-741-7155 or email Hawaii Homes & Estates LLC. License No: RB-20456.